After Tevis my friend/equine bodyworker extraordinaire Gesa Brinks and I went to Katee Owens' lovely forested home in Mariposa for some R&R and to work on her horses. One had a ten year undiagnosed problem which had Katee spending thousands on vets and practitioners all to no avail. One session fixed her horse.
I spent much of the rest of the month prepping photo orders from Tevis; sales were wonderful, and anticipating the selections from Arabian Horse World magazine. There were two Oldenburg inspections, here's a headshot from one of them, full galleries here and here.

It was a race to get everything done before the long-planned trip to New England, first for a couple of days with Phase II Sporthorses/Patti Bailey, then across the street to Yarrow and Shawn Farnsworth's. Here's the yearling colt Jammer (Just A Memory II) out of Yarrow's mare II Rem-minisse from the stallion she showed to CTR wins all over the northeast and some endurance too, Just II Cool. Yarrow has his full brother, Nitro Cooled Steele, now a 2 year old, who is ponied everywhere and came us on the camping trip.

I borrowed the famed gelding Steele The Show for a few days of horse camping that Yarrow had arranged for a small group of riders --with family members hauling in the heavier gear like tents and food. The campsite was on a 20,000 acre tree farm and wildlife preserve. We rode in on snowmobile trails, and 22 year old Show couldn't wait to show what he could do. I've had Remington Steele*++ get for 18 years now, and he was superbly trained, has done it all from winning the Cal-breds (halter) at 3, successful show horse and two-time Tevis finisher along with one of the other toughest 100s, Swanton Pacific. When he'd get irked at a slow in the pace he'd set his own head and collected his own trot, I could throw away the reins to show it wasn't me! So funny.
We had a fine time, great grub and folks. Among other excursions, the land's owner led a hike to a floating bog which was amazing--imagine walking on a waterbed filled with plants including carnivores like pitcher plants and sundews. The main component was all sphagnum mosses, an unbelievable feeling to tread across--with special properties that scientists come to study.
Here's Yarrow cooking a sausage and fresh veggie scramble with Stephanie of Horse Tenders Inc standing by with the cheese. The leaves were just starting to turn, but an expiring frequent flyer ticket and the campout are why I chose not to wait. Next year, fall color shots, we're scheming early. Next blog entry will be the fun we had with Yarrow and the Horse Tenders crew on the beach at Cape Cod today!